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Attentive Vizsla

Young Vizsla


The Vizsla is a pointing dog originating from Hungary. This one is called Taco and is about the same age as the previously presented Small Münsterlander Finley. Both were on hunting training together that day, so I was able to see some of the same tasks, such as the focused sit-stay here, even when the master disappeared from view.

But there were also completely different opportunities when Taco had to sit and his master walked a wide arc around him. So I was able to photograph him in a great position — with a surprising end! read more or write a comment …

Finley - Small Münsterländer

Small Münsterländer


This is Finley. The Small Münsterländer (there is also a breed »Large Münsterländer«) is being trained to become a hunting dog. Here I was present at one of the first sessions, where obeying and attention were trained.

In the picture above, the master had moved away and hidden behind a mound of earth. Finley had to remain seated and was not distracted by me or the clicking of my camera shutter!

Then it was time to search for objects. He ran long laps around his master and searched the area. I captured him at full speed. read more or write a comment …

Alster Swimming Pool - the Butterfly

Butterfly Swimmer

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I don’t know what the architect had in mind when he designed the Alster swimming pool. Formally, it says that the roof is made of two hyperbolic paraboloid shells.

But from this perspective, I see a butterfly swimmer (some people know it as dolphin style) coming towards me, both arms already raised out of the water on the way forward.

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