From North
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On our cycle tours through the Nordheide, we are always discovering new paths. Sometimes we just take familiar paths in the opposite direction, as happened on this day when we were cycling through a forest path coming from the north. We … read more or write a comment …

Birch Porling
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Rarely have I seen a tree fungus such as this birch porling so beautifully presented. Right on the top edge of a broken birch, beautifully brought into the light by the morning sunlight, while the ground behind the birch stump … read more or write a comment …

Tunnel View in the woods
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Small clearings in the forest alternating with dense tree cover often leads to such tunnel views. Everything in the foreground was in the shade, only in the background a few deciduous trees were highlighted by the sun. Especially along the … read more or write a comment …

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In an area northwest of Hasselbrack (the highest point in Hamburg!), you will find such a steep climb with many roots on some hiking trails. It’s almost as if a natural staircase has been laid in the forest for us.

Needle in the fern forest

Like a needle, the broken tree stump protrudes from the sea of ferns. In contrast, the tree trunks of the forest in the shade at some distance.

Morning Light in the Woods
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The hikes in the woods often took us into the forest in the morning hours. It was especially nice to hike east in the morning hours, because then I always got to see the backlight situations I love. This morning it … read more or write a comment …

Entrance to »Höllenschlucht«
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Why this beautiful path on the edge of Brunsberg is called »Höllenschlucht — Hell Gorge« has not yet become clear to me. It is a dry valley left behind by the Ice Age. It has this beautiful sandy soil, so … read more or write a comment …

In the woods
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Since early summer, my son and I have been hiking through the forests around Buchholz. We have now hiked over 200 km in the Stuvenwald, around the Brunsberg, in the Harburger Bergen and the Fischbeker Heide. The picture here shows … read more or write a comment …

Bulgaria inquinans

With this colorful picture I say goodbye to my excursion into the mushroom gestades in the Eissendorf forest. I am still amazed again that I was here on Hamburg city area on the way. When we were already on the way … read more or write a comment …

Psathyrella Multipedata
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A little further along the forest path in the Eissendorf forest and again a tree lay across the forest and was left to nature. It is nice to see that forestry is increasingly letting the forests go wild again. Here, … read more or write a comment …

Mushrooms in Eissendorf Forest

Just as the mushrooms stood on the stump, it came to us: »The table is set!« The mushrooms are standing on a tree stump and we had found the one a little off the path. Just too beautiful, with the autumn … read more or write a comment …

Eissendorf Forest

We enjoyed this beautiful mixed forest in October after a rainy day. The green just blow us away, both from the leaves and from the grasses on the forest floor. When we were here in the Eissendorf forest on a … read more or write a comment …