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Castello San Sebastiano Po im Nebel

Castello San Sebastiano Po in the fog

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When a work trip takes me to an old Italian castle for a team workshop, I naturally take my drone with me. The SERgroup product management team meeting took us to this beautiful place. Not far from Turin, just off the Po Valley. As we only got everyone together in autumn, we were in the middle of the foggy season. But I liked that all the more. Especially when the fog was just settling over the castle and I could fly above it with the drone.

Here you can clearly see the fog drifting over the mountain peak from the south. A wonderful atmosphere!

Aurora Borialis over Buchholz

Aurora over Buchholz!

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It is clear to see that we are back in the active solar cycle that occurs every 11 years. Auroral sightings from German latitudes are also becoming more frequent on social networks. On October 10, I was also lucky enough to see a very strong aurora right next to my house with a view over the Meilsen fields. The green and red/pink glow in the sky was visible to the naked eye. As was this projector pointing down at the tree in my picture.

What a great scene, with a view to the hotel Hoheluft!

Kat Wulff interprets Whitney Houston

Kat Wulff back at the Cotton Club after 20 years


As part of the SUNDAY S.O.U.L. TALK, Kat Wulff was a guest of talk host Achim Griesel on September 29, 2024. Why is the title of this special talk format spelled with dots in SOUL, I asked myself. S.O.U.L. = Songs Of Ur Life and describes well that it would not just be a talk evening.

Usually it is the case that each talk guest brings songs from their life, which are then arranged by the “Sunday S.o.u.l. Talk” jazz band, in the style of the Cotton Club!

It’s different when a professional singer like Kat Wulff is invited. She didn’t miss the opportunity to step behind the microphone herself and let her powerful voice work its magic in the club. When Kat spoke about her life’s journey, it couldn’t help but be the first time she took to the stage with her early singing role model Whitney Houston.

Kat had brought “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” with her! What a strong start! read more or write a comment …

Young Robin (0015)

Young Robin

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Was it a reproachful look or a curious one? I had trimmed some bushes in the garden after the breeding season and when I had almost finished tidying up, I noticed the young robin looking down at me from the rather open bushes. I even had time to get my camera with the big telephoto. The robin was still there. So I sat down on the ground 3 meters away and took a series of shots.

Whether it was curious in the end or full of reproach because I had trimmed the bush so much — I can’t say. It turned out to be a beautiful bird portrait.

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