Sunrise — the back side
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As I walked away from the lake on the sunny side, I thought of following the tracks of the moor railway once more in the Tister Bauernmoor and walking to a small lake on the west side of the moor. … read more or write a comment …

Tister Bauernmoor — Sunrise
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Finally the sun was rising! Above the large expanse of water a few bands of clouds, making the sky interesting. Large parts of the sky and the water glow orange. Hard to believe that in a few minutes this sky … read more or write a comment …

Happy New Year!
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Happy New Year to you all! May 2023 be a better year for all of us. This week I took the opportunity to go out on the moors in the early hours of the morning hours and had an atmospheric time with … read more or write a comment …

24mm or 500mm in landscape photography?

You often read that large telephoto focal lengths are only useful in wildlife or bird photography, just as I like to use my 100–500mm lens. But in landscape photography? I took the cover picture for my last blog post about … read more or write a comment …

Golden Sunrise at Schleimünde

Just the cloud bank, the northern headland with its characteristic group of trees and the many water birds. Plus the sun just rising over the cloud bank. And my telephoto lens at 500mm focal length! That’s how this golden atmosphere at Schleimünde … read more or write a comment …

Dramatic sunrise atmosphere
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The sun had barely passed over one band of clouds before it disappeared again behind the next. Half an hour before, it still looked like one band of clouds, but now the layers of clouds became clear. It was great … read more or write a comment …

The sun comes up!
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After looking at the cloud band and the land and sea below for 3⁄4 of an hour, and everything taking on more and more warm colors, the sun finally appeared between two cloud bands! As if on command, the seagulls flew … read more or write a comment …

Sunrise in Fog

One of the first mornings on the Schlei shore. One of the first mornings of fog. I was standing by the reed beds that are so typical of the Schlei shores. Then the sun started to rise.