I am a star(ling)! (0087)

When in spring the farmer plowed a field near us in Buchholz, there were immediately several starlings on the fresh topsoil. One of the starlings stood out a bit from the crowd of other birds. He was not looking for food and mostly walked up and down along the plow tracks with his head held high. I tried to approach the edge of the field slowly so as not to spook the birds. But, of course, they all flew up at first. So I moved to one corner of the field, perched on the edge of the field, and waited.

It was going to be worth it. Slowly the starlings moved back to the field. And also the starling came again. Only after the first shots with my telephoto lens I realized that he had his beak full of insects, centipedes and an earthworm, and held them proudly aloft. The best picture I managed to get was backlit, where the centipedes really shine. But the other two, where you can partly see flies around the bird, show the great coloring of the plumage. Even if there was just not the sun shining on the starlings.

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2 Responses

  1. Roswitha
    | Reply

    So nah sieht man sie Stare selten! Schöne Aufnahmen!!!

    • Marc
      | Reply

      Ja, ich hatte auch ein bisschen Glück und eben 500mm Tele-Reichweite.
      Aber am Ende waren es nur 2–3 Meter, die der Star von mir entfernt war.

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