Castello San Sebastiano Po and the Alps
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The morning of our departure began with the Alps glowing, which could be seen quite clearly from the Castello. After the glow had slowly subsided, but the Castello itself was still in the shade, I made sure to get my … read more or write a comment …


The sunrise was beautiful on the last morning on the Castello San Sebastiano Po. Clouds glowed above me as I set off with my camera before heading for breakfast. I had walked along the castle wall to the eastern end … read more or write a comment …

Welcome to San Sebastiano Po
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Here I show a few details of the Castello San Sebastiano Po, which I was able to photograph in the fog on the first morning. The cover picture shows the entrance to the castle’s former winery. The utensils are also … read more or write a comment …

Castello San Sebastiano Po in the fog
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When a work trip takes me to an old Italian castle for a team workshop, I naturally take my drone with me. The SERgroup product management team meeting took us to this beautiful place. Not far from Turin, just off … read more or write a comment …