I love the architecture of the Chile House. As exciting as it is in the Kontorhaus district, the house itself is difficult to depict on photographs. It rises far above you and the streets hardly offer enough distance to get it into the picture format-filling. So I concentrate on important details, as for example the east corner of the Kontorhaus.
Today the sky was fortunately already filled with veil clouds, so that I could use the sky as a contrast to the dark building.
»ZIEL: WELTKULTURERBE« was emblazoned on the front page of the Kontorhaus Journal 2/2013. As I could read in it, in 1998, at the request of the City of Hamburg, the Chilehaus was included in the national waiting list for World Heritage. In the meantime, there have been large-scale efforts to expand the application to include the entire Kontorhaus district and the Speicherstadt. The application is now planned for 2014, more on this on the pages of the City of Hamburg.
This would really be the first project with World Heritage status in Hamburg!
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