Castello San Sebastiano Po with bright shining Alps
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The morning of our departure began with the Alps glowing, which could be seen quite clearly from the Castello. After the glow had slowly subsided, but the Castello itself was still in the shade, I made sure to get my drone again and let it take off. It took a few more minutes until I saw this beautiful picture on the display: the Castello illuminated by the morning light and the glowing, snow-covered Alps behind it.

I couldn’t have wished for a better farewell to Castello San Sebastiano Po.
Afterwards, we went to breakfast to meet up with our colleagues one last time before we were to scatter across half of Europe again.

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2 Responses

  1. Dieter
    | Reply

    Ein Bild, wie ein Gemälde. Hier stimmt alles!

    • Marc
      | Reply

      Danke sehr Dieter!

      Es war einfach toll, den Moment zu erleben, als die Alpen noch leuchteten und so langsam die Sonne das Castello erstrahlen ließ. Nur kurze Zeit später, war die tolle Stimmung wieder verschwunden.

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