Am Milchnapf (0133)

One of the first days where the puppies have been slowly withdrawn from the mother’s milk. Instead, there is milk substitute from a large bowl where the 7 puppies quickly gather around.

The bowl is deliberately kept quite high for the little puppies so that they don’t tap into it, but drink »properly«. The muzzles are hung low in it, as you can see well from the milk beards.

Therefore, instead of hanging into the bowl, it is sometimes easier to just lick the snout of the next dog!

The other's muzzle (0078)
The other’s muzzle (0078)


Again and again there are little scuffles around the bowl.

The strongest puppy (blue) was of course the first to be full and was already looking around again, while the smaller ones tried to lap up the leftovers from the bowl.

Finished first (0273)
Finished first (0273)

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1 Responses

  1. Claudia
    | Reply

    Ihre ersten Erfahrungen aus der Schale zu trinken, lustig anzusehen.
    Haben sie wirklich schnell gelernt. Muttermilch gibt es weiterhin bis zur 8 Woche, aber es kommt immer mehr dazu. 🤗🐾 Bestimmt werden wir das noch sehen. 😉
    Danke Marc, für deine schöne Arbeit. 🤗

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