Rapeseed in front of rain clouds
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With this dramatic picture I would like to say goodbye to the rapeseed series from Angeln. The picture was taken when we wanted to go for a short bike ride over Lindaunis. But then the rain front made us start … read more or write a comment …

Akeby in the middle of rapeseed fields
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Akeby’s horse farm and the Witt holiday farm amid the rapeseed fields surrounding the settlement of Akeby in early summer. I love to let my drones fly over the fields to the east of the settlement. The fields here are … read more or write a comment …

Schneiderhaken near Lindaunis

Again and again I had cycled past this stretch of land. I always thought how it might look if I saw the sand hook that had formed east of the narrows near Lindaunis from a drone’s perspective. This year I … read more or write a comment …

Lesser Whitethroat

Like the chaffinch before it, a day later I heard a bird call in the whitethorn tree on the other side of the bend, which was still unknown to me. At first I didn’t notice the bird at all, but … read more or write a comment …

Chaffinch in a hawthorn tree

Between the rape fields in Angeln are the farm roads lined with bends. There I had already discovered the flowering hawthorn in the undergrowth and brought it along as a picture. Many of the bushes in the bends are the … read more or write a comment …

Rapeseed fields from above
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The same rapeseed field as before, only this time photographed from a drone. In my drone shots I also love symmetry when possible, in this case the courses of the tractor tracks. You can clearly see the gently undulating landscape … read more or write a comment …

Traces in Rapeseed
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For the first time we were in Angeln, the landscape north of the Schlei, in early summer. So typical of this gently rolling landscape are the blooming rapeseed fields in May/June. And of course I wanted to capture them in … read more or write a comment …

Cerastium arvense

This pretty, but at the same time inconspicuous flowering perennial can be found in the early summer months at the edges of the hedgerows in Angeln. Everywhere the verge of the farm tracks bloomed in white, only late did other … read more or write a comment …

Dead tree from inside
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On one of our hikes around Buchholz we had planned to walk around the Brunsberg. We also passed through the so-called Höllenschlucht (»Hell Gorge«), which was, somewhat exaggeratedly named, an approximately 20-deep dry valley from the Ice Age. At the … read more or write a comment …

Little Water Frog
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The Little Water Frog is the Lurch of the Year 2023 and this one loves in our nature garden pond behind the house. According to information from Nabu, this frog is an »inhabitant of quiet forest ponds«. Even more a … read more or write a comment …

Farewell — a day in the snow
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At the age of 7 weeks it was time for me to say goodbye to the C‑litter. One week later the new owners were to come and collect most of the puppies, only Carla would stay with her mother Frieda … read more or write a comment …

Photo Equipment and young Broholm Dogs
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In the first weeks of the young Broholm litter’s life, Dieter, the dogs‹ master, got used to taking photos with me less and less. He had the dogs around him all week anyway and I was only there one afternoon … read more or write a comment …

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