Finley - Small Münsterländer

This is Finley. The Small Münsterländer (there is also a breed »Large Münsterländer«) is being trained to become a hunting dog. Here I was present at one of the first sessions, where obeying and attention were trained.

In the picture above, the master had moved away and hidden behind a mound of earth. Finley had to remain seated and was not distracted by me or the clicking of my camera shutter!

Then it was time to search for objects. He ran long laps around his master and searched the area. I captured him at full speed.

Finley at full speed
Finley at full speed


After this task, we walked back to the meeting point with Taco, another dog who is also being trained as a hunting dog.

Finley at a relaxed trot
Finley at a relaxed trot

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