After the puppies had drunk enough, they were quickly overcome by tiredness. The cuddly dog beds were seized and usually there were two or three puppies that crowded in there.
The puppies also like to lie on top of each other. Densely crowded or stacked on top of each other they sleep like this. The following picture shows three(!) little Broholm puppies, at least part of them:
Others snuggle up on the edge of the dog bed, lie quite comfortably and casually let one paw hang out. But if there is a bit of pushing from behind, half the dog can hang out of the bed.
2 Responses
Lieber Marc,
ich bin immer wieder begeistert von den schönen Bildern, es ist so eine tolle Dokumentation von ihrem Wachstum. So liebevoll und professionell aufgemacht. 🥰👍🐾
Vielen Dank Claudia,
mir macht es viel Freude Eure Welpen fotografisch zu begleiten. Und das sind bislang erst die ersten drei Wochen. Es kommen ja noch viel mehr Bilder!
Viele Grüße,