After I almost lost my tripod shortly before — only 5 minutes before it was standing with one leg where the surf shot through the gap * — I was able to take this beautiful motif with me.
For me it is one of the pictures that express a lot about the coast of Lofoten. Again and again one has rocks in all possible forms lying on the shore of the North Sea. Always you have a more or less strong surf, which makes it so interesting to stand on the shore and look at it.
With the rising tide, as we had it in the days on site, the surf on the rocks changes again and again, first it crashes against him, later it shoots over him.
* By the way, we had learned right at the beginning of the course never to leave our camera alone on the tripod, e.g. to change a lens. If the camera was on the tripod, then always one hand on the tripod. I had just reached for my camera here when the tripod was washed away behind my back. So the damage was only a tripod head and not the whole camera with lens!
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