In week 2 the puppies were outside for the first time in the winter garden and thus in wonderful sunshine. Cautiously they opened their eyes, but most of the time they were just sleeping.
It was also nice to see the slightly open mouths more often, as if the cubs had just undocked from their mother and fallen asleep, as here with Miss Orange:
When a bit of movement came to the sleeping dogs, it was mostly just a short burst of energy and a hearty yawn.
Or showing us the upper jaw as if they were at the dentist. The milk teeth are still clearly missing here.
2 Responses
Sehr liebevoll von der 2. Lebenswoche berichtet und so schöne Fotos dazu. Mir geht natürlich das Herz auf ❤️🐾😘
Vielen Dank liebe Claudia für das Feedback.
Mir macht es Spaß, die Welpen zu fotografieren und mit den Bilder Geschichten zu erzählen.
Ich habe meine Farb-Fotografien immer unter das Motto »Zugegensein – Den Augenblick genießen • Eindrücke festhalten • Erinnerungen mitnehmen« gestellt und das Erleben mit den Welpen passt wieder einmal genau dazu!
Viele Grüße,