Papenburg - Main Canal (0962)

Papenburg really appealed to me. Not because of the Meyerwerft shipyard, Papenburg’s major employer, because I don’t like cruise ships in particular. But mainly because of the beautiful main canal.

The streets on both sides are traffic-calmed and therefore left to cyclists and pedestrians. Only a few roads cross the canal and it is correspondingly quiet and tranquil. We even experienced time and again that drivers on the crossing road — who actually have the right of way — let us through!
Cycling is simply much more natural in Emsland and East Frisia than here in Buchholz or Hamburg.

So we stopped again and again with our bikes and I was able to take a few photos along the canal at my leisure. The light was simply glorious that day.

Papenburg - Main Canal (0964)
Papenburg — Main Canal

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